Celebrating 12 Years of Smiles and Spanks!

Twelve years in, several platform changes, many life changes, thousands of spanking illustrations, countless interactions with artists, and an ever-growing archive of content, all of which is an ongoing reflection of my love for spanking.

Although I sometimes need to slow down my posting frequency, I have no intention of stopping my sharing or my exploration of this wonderful world of spanking.

I really do love this space that I have created here for the spanking community, and I hope everyone else who stops by does too…If you don’t, then what are you doing here?! Haha.

As always, contributions to assist with the hosting and maintenance of Smiles and Spanks are warmly welcomed but never expected. They can be made via PayPal, where the payment will appear under a name that is not related to spanking. Alternatively, you can use Cash App, which does have a spanking-related name, just so you're aware!

Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me over the years. It means more to me than you will ever know.

Smiles and Spanks, Gin


Traveling Disciplinarian


Endometriosis Awareness Month🎗️