Hello, my name is Gin.

I’m a lifelong spanking enthusiast, lover of spanking art and disciplinarian. Smiles and Spanks has been a passion project of mine for over a decade – with a few platform changes along the way! Within it, I do not profit from featuring disciplinarians, artists, implement shops, parties, books, erotic bookstores, magazines, podcasts, or other blogs. I only share content that aligns with my interests, specifically anything related to spanking!

I personally create this blog without any assistance, dedicating a substantial portion of my personal time to curate it as a space for fellow spanking enthusiasts to enjoy. If there's a delay in publishing posts, rest assured it doesn't mean that I'm not actively working on the blog or that I have stopped holding spanking sessions. It simply means I'm occupied with other aspects of life.

As always, contributions to support the hosting and maintenance of my blog are warmly welcomed but never expected. They can be made via PayPal, where the payment will appear under a name that is not related to spanking. Alternatively, you can use Cash App, which does have a spanking-related name, just so you're aware!

Should you wish to know more about me, feel free to explore the links to several interviews provided here: An Interview with Andy, Naturally Intoxicating and Another Shot of Gin.

If you're interested in a in-person or virtual session with me, kindly email a polite and sincere message specifying the type of session you are seeking to NaturallyGin@gmail.com. No sexual activity will be permitted before, during, or after my spanking sessions. I am a disciplinarian and solely provide safe and consensual spanking play between consenting adults.

Smiles and Spanks, Gin

P.S. In February 2022, I moved from San Francisco, California to Utrecht, the Netherlands. While I may occasionally visit the Bay Area for sessions, I do not currently have any intentions of permanently returning there. If you happen to be in San Francisco and are seeking a spanking session, I would suggest that you see Josephine Drake.