This Man Has Been Harassing Me for Three Years

I really didn’t want to write this. I’ve avoided saying anything publicly because I didn’t want to give this person any more attention. But after everything that’s happened, I feel I have to speak up. This man is dangerous, especially to women, and a real threat to the safety of the spanking community. I can’t stay silent anymore. People need to be warned.

This man has been harassing me since I moved to the Netherlands, three years now. It started on FetLife and later spread to my Gmail and Instagram. People in the Dutch spanking community have told me he’s harmless, but today he went too far. The harassment has seriously escalated, and I honestly don’t know what to do anymore.

Usually, I can tell it’s him emailing me, so I ignore the messages. But he caught on and eventually managed to book a virtual session with me. The look on his face, knowing he had finally tricked me and gotten through, was terrifying.

He has threatened to come after me and harm me. He’s called me a “stupid bitch,” among other hateful things, and said people like me should be banned from the world.

His FetLife handle is Spankingboy99, and I strongly advise everyone to block him. He is deeply disturbed and in need of serious mental help. I’ve told him to seek therapy. I’ve tried to be kind, but I can’t take it anymore. This man has crossed too many lines.

Three years is a long time to deal with this. I’ve had enough.


St. Patrick's Day Spanking Art and Comics by EndArt


Shamrocks and Spanks by Dave Wolfe