My First Love

Spanking is and always will be my first love. I fell in love with spanking when I was seven years old, and the more I live, the more certain I am that this love will last my lifetime. That being said, I was very happy to take a break from the spanking community and social media these past few months. I needed to redirect my energy and focus to grief counseling and therapy after two people close to me died rather suddenly.

Unfortunately, there have also been a handful of people within the spanking community who have been threatening me, telling me to go back to America, insisting that I don’t belong here in the Netherlands, and just sending very distasteful messages overall. It can be exhausting at times to ignore all that hateful noise, but with a strong enough mindset, it is manageable. Especially when my love for spanking and my love for my life here are stronger than their hate will ever be.

And now that I am feeling much better, I am eager to resume blogging – highlighting artists, implements, adventures, and everything else! So, to all those who dislike me or the content I post here: Please feel free to leave if it's not to your liking, or if I am not to your liking. Your presence here is your choice, and it’s perfectly okay if you decide to move on.

Smiles and Spanks, Gin

P.S. Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday messages to celebrate my 38th year!

P.P.S. The photo below is of me at the Easter bonfire from a few months ago, celebrating the arrival of spring and the renewal of life, which felt fitting to include here.


Skekpen Part 1: An Author's Word


Daylight Saving Reminder Spanking by Dave Wolfe