Louis Malteste, Lise

Louis Malteste was a French author, lithographer, designer and illustrator in the early 20th century. Malteste also used the pseudonym Ignotus, and under the pen name Jacques d’Icy he wrote spanking novels. Below are his illustrations from the 1927 novel Lise by Sadie Blackeyes. Lise was first published in 1910 under the name Lise fessée with illustrations by Jean Leprince.

“Bernard searched for the buttons, popped them in his haste to undress her, then he pulled, and the female moon appeared in its majestic, provocative, indecent strained nudity. On the dull ivory flesh, the pink groove of the whip had left its first mark, across both contracted cheeks” – Excerpt from Lise


Louis Malteste, Suzanne écuyère


Proving the Point! by Copper