Georges Topfer, Various Spanking Novel Illustrations

Georges Topfer was a French spanking artist from the late 1910s to the mid-1930s. Topfer often used the pseudonyms Gaston Smit, G. Smit, GTS and James Barclay. Below are his illustrations from various novels, unfortunately there wasn’t enough content from each for a stand-alone post.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1925 novel Les Cinq Fessées de Suzette (Suzette’s Five Spankings) by James Lovebirch.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1921 novel Peggy Briggs by James Lovebirch.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1920 novel Précoces Expériences (Early Experiences) by Maurice de Vindas.

“Mister Slaphard stepped back and measured his distance so as not to lose any of his vigor. Suddenly his arm rose, the birch rod hissed in the air and fell with a snap on the offered flesh…”

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1931 novel Femmes et Corsaires (Women and Corsairs) by Jean de la Beuque.

“The scourged woman sought to overcome her pain and courageously restrain her cries so as not to give her tormentors the joy of feasting on the intensity of her suffering…”

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1931 novel Sous le jonc (Under the Rush) by M. Vitrac.

“Georges stepped forward and with a quick movement pulled her shirt up to the shoulder blades. The rump seemed fuller still, supporting the broad hips, the fleshy loins…”

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1921 novel À Huis Clos (In Camera) by Paul Roué.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1921 novel Le Rêve d’un Flagellant (The Dream of a Flagellant) by Maurice de Vindas.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1932 novel Miriam, Sa Douloureuse Aventure (Miriam, Her Painful Adventure) by Maurice d’Apinac.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1923 novel Les Droits du Seigneur (The Rights of the Lord) by Henri Gaultier de Saint-Amand.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1923 novel Les Mésaventures de Ginette Duthyl (The Misadventures of Ginette Duthyl) by Maurice d’Apinac.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1923 novel Betty Libertine by Max des Vignons.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1921 novel Névrose (Neurosis) by Maurice de Vindas.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1922 novel Gitanes Flagellants (Flagellant Gypsies) by Jean de Virgans.

Georges Topfer illustrations from the 1923 novel Betty Passionnée (Betty Passionate) by Max des Vignons.

Betty Passionnée is for sale here.


Georges Topfer, L'Avatar de Lucette


Georges Topfer, Unknown Spanking Novel Illustrations