Emma's Story Corner

Emma's Story Corner is a blog created by Emma X. The majority of her writing and stories on the site are spanking focused, and particularly about domestic discipline, which is the core of what she is into.

In the ‘Main Spanking Index’ you’ll find a collection of spanking stories, often of a disciplinary nature, though tickling is a common recurring theme. The vast majority of her stories are F/F (often lesbian couples). There are a few (labelled) exceptions.

If you would like to subscribe to Emma X’s Patreon to read her Patreon stories then you can do so here. You can also follow her on Twitter and FetLife. Emma X recently released a spanking book consisting of short spanking stories and with her permission I am sharing a bit about it below!

Zoe and Sasha: 15 Short Spanking Stories by Emma X

Zoe and Sasha are an adult lesbian couple in a consensual domestic discipline relationship.

Zoe is the ‘Top’ of their dynamic and frequently disciplines her bratty girlfriend Sasha, often putting her over her knee for a spanking. Sometimes their spankings are more disciplinary, while others take a more playful tone. While these stories are primarily spanking and discipline focused, playful tickling is also occasionally described between the characters.

Their relationship is explored through 15 short stories that are not necessarily directedly connected through any overarching plot, and may be read out of order. The story lengths vary, with the average typically around 1500 words per story, and the complete volume totaling a little over 20k, making it comparable to a novella in length.

These stories are intended for readers over the age of 18 with an interest in spanking, especially with a domestic vibe, between consenting adults.

Zoe and Sasha: 15 Short Spanking Stories can be purchased here.


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Amlensky, Spanking Illustrations